Recent Faculty Publications

Detroit Mercy Law faculty members bring their expertise into the classroom and to their scholarship where they examine legal issues that affect our local, national, and global communities.  

photo of Erin ArcherdErin R. Archerd
Associate Professor of Law

Online Mediation and the Opportunity to Rethink Safety in Mediation, 52 Stetson L. Rev. 307 (2022)

It's Not the Lawyers We Need to Convince, Discussions in Dispute Resolution (2021)

Two Hearts and Brewer/Distributor Conflicts, 52 University of the Pacific Law Review 803 (2021)

Evaluating Mediation’s Future, 2020 Missouri J. Dispute Res. 31 (2020)

catherine Archibald Catherine Archibald
Associate Professor of Law 

Still Problematic, Even Post-Settlement: Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Law and the Federal Constitution, 28 Chapman Law Review (forthcoming 2024)

Putin’s Version of History and Claims of Provocation: An International Law Perspective on Russia’s Justifications for the Ukraine War (with Aman L. McLeod), 100 University Detroit Mercy Law Review 501 (2023)

Feminist Perspectives on Bostock v. Clayton County (co-authored with Ann C. McGinley, Nicole Buonocore Porter, Danielle Weatherby, Ryan H. Nelson, and Pamela Wilkins), 53 Connecticut Law Review Online 1 (2020); 

Commentary and Rewritten Opinion for Etsitty v. Utah Transit Authority (10th Cir. 2007) in Feminist Judgments: Employment Discrimination Opinions Rewritten (Ann McGinley & Nicole Porter eds., Cambridge University Press 2020) (co-authored with Pamela Wilkins).

photo of Julia BelianJulia Belian
Associate Professor of Law

Grandmother Law, 99 U. Det. Mercy L. Rev. 253 (2022)

photo of richard broughtonJ. Richard Broughton
Associate Dean for Faculty Research and Development & Professor of Law

Fentanyl, Narco-Terrorism, and National Security Politics, 61 San Diego Law Review (forthcoming 2024)

Antisemitic Terrorism, 27 Lewis & Clark Law Review (2024)

Activist Extremist Terrorist Traitor, 96 St. John's Law Review Rev. 295 (2022)

The Second Article and Congressional Self-Defense, 59 Houston Law Review 259 (2021)

Constitutional Discourse and the Rhetoric of Treason, 47 Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly 303 (2020)

Melissa EckhauseMelissa Eckhause
Co-Director, Arts & Entertainment Law Clinic
Assistant Professor of Law 

Closed Doors to Justice: How the Copyright Claims Board Is Shutting Out Pro Se Litigants, 42 Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal (forthcoming 2025)

Copyright Troll in ELGAR ENCYCLOPEDIA OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW (Paul Torremans et al. eds., Edward Elgar Pub’g 2023)

Fighting Image Piracy or Copyright Trolling? An Empirical Study of Photography Copyright Infringement Lawsuits, 86 Albany Law Review 111 (2022)


Tolulope FalokunTolulope J. Falokun
Associate Professor of Law

Jurisdiction and Choice of Law in Disputes Relating to Cross-Border NFT Transactions- The Case for Uniform Private International Law Rules, 27 VA. J.L. & TECH. 49-99 (2023).

Nigeria (with I. Uju) in Competition in Africa Report 2022 (Baker McKenzie ed., 2022).

Cross-Jurisdiction Privacy Project Nigeria Data Guidance (with I. Ibiyemi, et al.) in Privacy Laws & Digital Advertising: Multi-Jurisdictional Overview and Implications 385-429 (Interactive Advertising Bureau ed., 2021).

Liability for Damage Caused by Artificial Intelligence (with I. Wilson) (2021).

Troy HarrisTroy L. Harris
Associate Professor of Law

International Construction Arbitration Handbook (Thomson West, 2023 ed.) (with John W. Hinchey)

International Construction Arbitration Handbook (Thomson West, 2022 ed.) (with John W. Hinchey)

“Weak” Legal Pluralism and the Eighteenth Century English Ecclesiastical Courts, Journal of Legal History 43 J. L. HIST. 288 (2022)

Karen Henning McDonaldKaren McDonald Henning
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs & Associate Professor of Law

Mastering Criminal Procedure (3d ed. Carolina Press, 2020) (with Ellen Podgor, Peter Henning, Cynthia Jones & Sanjay Chhablani)

camesha littleCamesha F. Little
Assistant Professor of Law

Think, Reflect, Refine: Shaping The Modern Lawyer (September 13, 2024) 

Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Doctrinal Legal Education: Teaching Strategies for Incorporating Social Work Teaching Modalities and Self-reflection into Doctrinal Legal Classrooms (work in progress)

Keeping Students Motivated for Bar Exam Success, NALP PDQ, January 2022, (Lyssa L. Thaden and Kimberly Wolenberg, co-authors).

cristina lockwoodCristina D. Lockwood
Professor of Law 

Legal Ethics, Chapter 22 in ICLE, Michigan Basic Practitioner Handbook (6th ed., 2023 forthcoming)

Successful Legal Analysis and Writing: The Fundamentals (5th ed., West 2022) (with Christopher D. Soper)

Legal Ethics, Chapter 22, in ICLE, Michigan Basic Practitioner Handbook (5th ed., 2022)

The Presence of Justice: A Call to Expand the Humanitarian Exception in ABA Model Rule of Professional Conduct 1.8(e), 36 Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy 65 (2022)

Lawrence Dubin & Cristina Lockwood, in ICLE, Michigan Basic Practitioner Handbook, Chapter 22 (6th ed., 2021)

Michigan Legal Research, Fourth Edition (Carolina Academic Press 2021)

david lourieDavid B. Lourie
Assistant Professor of Law

The "Wholesale Failure" of the SEC’s Approach to Chief Compliance Officer Liability, UC Law Business Journal (forthcoming 2024)

Paula ManningPaula J. Manning
Associate Dean for Student Learning and Assessment and Professor of Law

Distinguished Commentary - Why Detroit Mercy Law Chose Criterion-Referenced Assessment Over Grading Curves, 6(3) RAISING THE BAR. EVIDENCE-BASED THINKING ABOUT THE BAR EXAM 3 (Summer 2023) (with Michelle L. Richards)

How to Train Your Supervisor, 42 PACE L. REV. 108 (2021) (with Kris Franklin)

Aman McLeodAman L. McLeod
Associate Professor of Law

Assessing Economic Damages in Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Litigation: The State of Montana, 31(1) Journal of Forensic Economics 85 (2024) (with Terrance Grieb)

The Fourth Amendment and Greeks on Campus: Right of Privacy and Unreasonable Searches and Seizures, in The Law of Fraternities and Sororities (Gregory S. Parks, ed., Carolina Academic Press 2024)

Putin’s Version of History and Claims of Provocation: An International Law Perspective on Russia’s Justifications for the Ukraine War (with Catherine Archibald), 100 University Detroit Mercy Law Review 501 (2023)

Caperton v. A.T. Massey Coal Co.: A Ten-Year Retrospective on its Impact on Law and the Judiciary, 124 W. Va. L. Rev. 67 (2021)

Patrick MeyerPatrick Meyer
Director, Kresge Law Library and Professor of Law

The Persistent, Solvable Malady of Law Student Multimedia Multitasking, 69 Saint Louis University Law Journal (forthcoming 2025)

This Article Contains 400 Calories: A Critique Of, and Call for Expansion To, the Menu Labeling Requirements of Section 4205 of the Affordable Care Act, 56 Ind. L. Rev. 59 (2022)

akunna olumbaAkunna V. Olumba
Assistant Professor of Law

Hail Mary: Can Cryptocurrency Save the Marijuana Industry’s Lost Deductions (forthcoming)

deb paruchDeborah Paruch
Professor of Law 

Attorney-Client Privilege and the Work Product Doctrine in Michigan (2d ed., ICLE 2022) (with Fatima M. Bolyea)

Solitary Confinement of Juveniles: It is a Cruel and Unusual Punishment, 25 Idaho Law Review (2021)

michelle richardsMichelle L. Richards
Professor of Law 

Before the Memory Fades: Evaluating a National Quarantine Strategy As Part of a Modernized Public Health Response to the Next Pandemic, 34 Health Matrix 181 (2024).

Distinguished Commentary - Why Detroit Mercy Law Chose Criterion-Referenced Assessment Over Grading Curves, 6(3) RAISING THE BAR. EVIDENCE-BASED THINKING ABOUT THE BAR EXAM 3 (Summer 2023) (with Paula Manning)

Relying on the Unreliable? COVID-19 Claims Can’t Proceed Without a Proper Standard of Care, Bill of Health – Blog Symposia of The Petrie-Flom Center, Harvard Law School (October 19, 2022)   

Going Viral:  Discouraging the Premature Use of Civil Liability Strategies as a Response to COVID-19, 19 U.N.H. Law. Rev. 69 (2021)

Pills, Public Nuisance, and Parens Patriae: Questioning the Procedural Posture of the Opioid Litigation, 54 Richmond L. Rev. 405 (January 2020).

Nick SchroeckNicholas J. Schroeck
Interim Dean, School of Law and Associate Professor of Law

What the Overturning Chevron Deference Means for the Great Lakes, article, Great Lakes Now/Detroit Public Television.

Multi-directional communication between decision makers and environmental health researchers: A qualitative inquiry, (co-authored with Dr. Carrie Leach, Amy J. Schulz, Susie Lawrence, Sharon Sand, Guy Williams, Oluwatosin A. Bewaji and Robin Fuchs-Young), Environmental Hazards: Human & Policy Dimensions (Accepted).

The Exacerbating Role of Technological and Connectivity Challenges on Older Detroiters’ Health in a Pandemic (co-authored with Carrie Leach)  Seattle Journal of Technology, Environmental & Innovation Law: Vol. 13: Iss. 2, Article 1 (2023)

Water Law Issue: Introduction, Michigan Bar Journal (forthcoming Summer 2022)(with Ross Hammersley)

Engage Communication of Environmental Health Science: Processes and Outcomes of Urban Academic-Community Partnerships, Applied Environmental Education & Communication (June 2021) (with Carrie Leach, et al.)

The Flint Water Crisis, Drinking Water Regulations and Gaps in Lead, Copper, and Legionella Protections, 98 University of Detroit Mercy Law Review (2021)

Elizabeth SherowskiElizabeth Sherowski
Assistant Professor of Law 

An Inclusive Model for New Lawyer Licensing, 51 Capital University Law Review, 51 Cap. U. L. Rev. 1 (2023)

Measuring Impact: A Supportive and Inclusive Definition of Legal Writing Scholarship, 2 Proceedings: The Online Journal of Legal Writing Conference Presentations 22 (2021)

Book Review, Narrative and Metaphor in the Law, Legal Communication & Rhetoric: Journal of the Association of Legal Writing Directors (2021)

A New Way to Teach Secondary Source Research: Source Discovery, 28 Perspectives: Teaching Legal Research and Writing 32-35 (2020)

Christopher TrudeauChristopher R. Trudeau
Associate Professor of Law

An interprofessional medical malpractice mock trial: event evolution and assessment of efficacy, 20 Int’l J. Healthcare Simulation 1 (2023) (with Karen J. Dickinson, Wendy L. Ward, Robert Minarcin, Kathryn K. Neill)

Learning from the Past: A Retrospective Analysis of Informed Consent Forms on Before the Revised Common Rule, 46 Law & Psychcol. Rev. 189 (2021-2022).

Facilitators, Barriers, and Recommendations Related to the Informed Consent of Marshallese in a Randomized Controlled Trial, 15(2) J. of Clinical Ethics 75 (2020) (with Rachel s. Purvis et al.)

Health Literacy’s Impact on Health Law & Policy, in Health Literacy In Clinical Practice And Public
Health: New Initiatives And Lessons Learned At The Intersection With Other Disciplines (Rob Logan & Elliott Siegel eds., IOS Press 2020)

cara cunningham warrenCara Cunningham Warren
Professor of Law

Urban Water in the United States: Impacts of Infrastructure, Environmental Injustice, and Cooperative Federalism, in Observatorio del ciclo del agua 2023/ Water Cycle Observatory 2023 (Thomson Reuters Aranzadi 2024). 

International Law in Context (Carolina Academic Press, 2023)

Cultivating the International Criminal Court’s Legitimacy and Use of Constructivism to Prepare for Head-of-State Aggression Prosecutions, in The Past, Present, and Future of the International Criminal Court (International Nuremberg Principles Academy 2021). 

Adam WrightAdam Wright
Visiting Assistant Professor of Law

Corruption as Contract: Taking Quid Pro Quo Seriously, in Baylor Law Review (forthcoming 2024)

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