Tuition & Cost of Attendance

Cost of Attendance

The Cost of Attendance Budgets are based on direct expenses (tuition & fees) and estimated indirect expenses (housing & food, books & supplies, transportation, and miscellaneous personal expenses) for one academic year; two semesters (fall and winter) spanning nine months. Actual expenses vary based on student lifestyle and personal choices. We want our students to make the best decisions today to make sure they are prepared for tomorrow.

For the US JD program, tuition is charged at a fixed per credit rate regardless of the number of credits. For the 2024-25 school year, the tuition rate is $1,584 per credit.

For the Dual JD program, tuition is charged at a fixed per term rate. For the 2024-25 school year, the tuition rate is $13,627 per term.

To estimate your cost of attendance, complete a personal budget, and compare it to the estimated budgets below. 


On This Page: JD Program I Dual JD Program I Financial Aid Re-Evaluation

JD Program

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    Standard Cost of Attendance Budgets

    The standard student cost of attendance budget represents the maximum estimated expenses that a law student will incur during the academic year without submitting additional paperwork.  If your personal budget estimates spending more than that, we can increase your budget a reasonable amount but you will need to go through the Financial Aid Re-Evaluation Process. 

    The table below is a sample cost of attendance for students in each program track with the student only taking credits during the fall and winter terms and graduating in the prescribed time. However, some students choose to take credits over the summer term, which can reduce the credits during the fall and winter terms during upper-level years. Budgets will be adjusted based on the actual number of credits for which students are enrolled.

    Sample Standard Cost of Attendance Budgets for Fall & Winter term
    Enrollment Status Full-Time 1L Full-Time 2L Full-Time 3L
    Tuition ($1,584/credit hour) $47,520 $38,016 $38,016
    Parking Fee* $515 $515 $515
    Student Bar Association Fees $138 $138 $138
    Sum of Direct Expenses $48,173 $38,669 $38,669
    Books & Supplies $2,550 $2,040 $2,040
    Housing & Food $14,250 $14,250 $14,250
    Transportation $3,752 $3,752 $3,752
    Personal & Miscellaneous $9,236 $9,236 $9,236
    Exam Fees $ - $160 $850
    Direct Loan Fees $1,198 $1,198 $1,198
    Sum of Indirect Expenses for Fall & Winter Term $30,986 $30,636 $31,326
    2024-25 Total Cost of Attendance $79,155 $69,301

    *The parking pass is only applied to student accounts once a student signs up for parking at Detroit Mercy Law and is provided with a parking permit. The per term rate for a parking pass is $257.50.


    Thrifty Cost of Attendance Budgets

    Students who are enrolled in Detroit Mercy Law are initially assessed their cost of attendance using a Thrifty Budget. This approach focuses on a reduced budget for housing & food, books & supplies, and miscellaneous personal expenses by encouraging students to live with roommates, purchase used books or rent books, and reduce their overall spending while in law school.

    The table below is a sample cost of attendance for students in each program track with the student only taking credits during the fall and winter terms and graduating in the prescribed time. However, some students choose to take credits over the summer term, which can reduce the credits during the fall and winter terms during upper-level years. Budgets will be adjusted based on the actual number of credits for which students are enrolled.

    Students are not required to use the Detroit Mercy Law Thrifty Budget but should consider it as an option when looking for housing, purchasing books, and planning other living expenses during law school. Students are initially awarded financial aid using the Thrifty Budget. If you would like to opt-out of the Thrifty Budget and use the Standard Budget, please contact the Detroit Mercy Law Financial Aid Office.

    Sample Thrifty Cost of Attendance Budgets
    Enrollment Status Full-Time 1L Full-Time 2L Full-Time 3L
    Tuition ($1,584/credit hour) $47,520 $38,016 $38,016
    Parking Fee* $515 $515 $515
    Student Bar Association Fees $138 $138 $138
    Sum of Direct Expenses $48,173 $38,669 $38,669
    Books & Supplies $1,950 $1,560 $1,560
    Housing & Food $9,546 $9,546 $9,546
    Transportation $3,752 $3,752 $3,752
    Personal & Miscellaneous $6,188 $6,188 $6,188
    Exam Fees $ - $160 $850
    Direct Loan Fees $1,198 $1,198 $1,198
    Sum of Indirect Expenses $22,634 $22,404 $23,094
    2024-25 Total Cost of Attendance $70,803 $61,069

    *The parking pass is only applied to student accounts once a student signs up for parking at Detroit Mercy Law and is provided with a parking permit. The per term rate for a parking pass is $257.50.

Dual JD Program

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    Cost of Attendance Budgets for Dual JD Students

    Students pay tuition and certain fees to both Detroit Mercy Law and Windsor Law. The tuition and fees listed here are for the Detroit Mercy Law part of the program only.

    The Detroit Mercy portion of the budget includes the direct costs (tuition & fees) and an estimate of the indirect costs (housing & food, books & supplies, personal/miscellaneous, and transportation). Living expenses (housing & food and personal/miscellaneous) are based on the location of residence; some students choose to live in Metro Detroit while others choose to live in and around Windsor. The University of Windsor will determine the living expenses budget for those students who choose to live in Canada. Please note, the expenses in the estimated cost of attendance are shown in US dollars. 

    Students are only responsible for paying direct expenses (tuition and fees).

    Example Cost of Attendance Budgets
    Year in Program Full-Time 1L Full-Time 2L Full-Time 3L
    Tuition  $27,254 $27,254 $27,254
    Parking Pass* $515 $515 $515
    Student Bar Association Dues** $134 $134 $134
    Sum of Direct Expenses $27,903 $27,903 $27,903
    Books & Supplies $2,550 $2,550 $2,550
    Housing & Food $14,250 $14,250 $14,250
    Transportation $3,752 $3,752 $3,752
    Personal & Miscellaneous $9,236 $9,236 $9,236
    Exam Fees $ - $160 $850
    Direct Loan Fee $1,198 $1,198 $1,198
    Sum of Indirect Expenses $30,986 $31,146 $31,836
    2024-25 Total Detroit Mercy Law CoA $58,889 $59,049 $59,739

    *The parking pass is only applied to student accounts once a student signs up for parking at Detroit Mercy Law and is provided with a parking permit. The per term rate for a parking pass is $257.50.

    **Dual JD students are required to take courses in the summer. Students are not charged tuition during the summer term.

Request for Financial Aid Re-Evaluation

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    Re-Evaluation for Financial Aid Budget Increase

    The student cost of attendance budget is developed in accordance with federal guidelines to allow for standard education-related expenses that most students experience. Detroit Mercy Law does understand that some students may have expenses that are higher than the standard budget. 

    Students should consult with the Law Financial Aid Office to determine whether or not the expenses can be included in their budget. When practical, students are encouraged to speak with our office prior to incurring the expense.

    Students who have a disability for which they need special equipment or other accommodations (for example, a note taker; a reader for the blind; special software for a blind student to be able to use a computer with spoken words rather than typing; a signer for the deaf; etc.) or whose unreimbursed medical costs are excessive may also petition for an increase in their aid package. Of course, any unusual conditions must be documented. Students should contact the Financial Aid Office for more information if they believe they may have a condition that qualifies for reconsideration.

    We will review your request to determine if you have expenses that are reasonable and qualify according to federal regulations and University policy but are not included in the standard budget. The University is subject to the constraints imposed by the U.S. Department of Education in allowing expenses that meet the following criteria:

    • Directly related to the student's education
    • Incurred during enrollment period 
    • Properly documents (receipt, invoice, lease, etc.)

    Note that financial aid is limited to costs for the student to attend school. Federal aid does not include funds for purchasing assets like a car or paying off consumer debt; neither does it pay for living or educational expenses for people other than the student, nor is it to be used to pay court-ordered payments such as child support, alimony, restitution, etc.


    Computer Purchases

    Law students should have access to a computer with a camera and microphone to participate in video conferencing, if necessary. Law students may increase their budget for up to $2,500 for a one-time purchase of a computer and printer. Students are required to submit a copy of their receipt with the Financial Aid Re-Evaluation form. Students may make the purchase of the computer the summer prior to starting law school or at any time during their law school years. The decision is that of the student but the increase in your budget can only happen once.


    Bar Exam

    We are able to increase your cost of attendance budget for the cost to register for one Bar Exam. Students must submit proof of payment of the bar exam with the financial aid re-evaluation request in order for the increase to occur.


    Change in Credit Hours

    Aid is awarded based on the minimum credit enrollment as appropriate for your program. The enrollment level for which you were awarded is shown on Titan Pass and based on the table below. If you are enrolled in more credits than shown below and need additional financial aid, you will need to submit the Request for Financial Aid Re-Evaluation Form in order for us to increase your loans. 


    US JD Program Minimum Credits
    Enrolled Credits Fall Credits Winter
    1L Full-Time 16 14
    1L Part-Time 13 11
    1L Extended 10 7
    Returning Full-Time 12 12
    Returning Part-Time 9 9
    Returning Extended 7 7

    Re-Evaluation for Financial Aid Form

    Students must complete the Financial Aid Re-Evaluation Form if they have extenuating circumstances that require an increase in the standard cost of attendance budget, have a change in their enrollment, have purchased a computer for their studies, would like federal financial aid to reimburse their expense of registering for one bar exam, or would like to cancel/add work-study award.

    If students would like to switch from the thrifty model to the standard model, all they need to do is email their financial aid advisor.

    This form and the corresponding materials should be sent to the student's financial aid advisor or to the Law Financial Aid office (